An Strat Dubh



Discography | Guitars | Effects and Amps | Schoo 2 | Links

1979 - U23
1980 - Boy
1981 - October
1983 - War
1983 - Under A Blood Red Sky
1984 - The Unforgettable Fire
1985 - Wide Awake In America
1987 - The Joshua Tree
1988 - Rattle and Hum
1991 - Achtung Baby
1993 - Zooropa
1997 - Pop
2000 - All That You Can't Leave Behind

Side Projects

1985 - Captive - soundtrack (w/Michael Brooks)
1988 - Robbie Robertson (by Robbie Robertson)
1995 - Passengers (w/Brian Eno)
1999 - Million Dollar Hotel - soundtrack


Favorite CD

Achtung Baby

Favorite Song

Where The Streets Have No Name (from: The Joshua Tree)